If I uncheck Real Mirrors, everything is OK.but I really like using Real Mirrors. My Smart Mirrors settings are pretty standard: I use a single monitor and have a fairly high-end system that can handle a pretty good graphics load, and have most of CM's bells and whistles turned on. However, the mirror generally clears up and looks fine when I glance over: Sometimes it kind of "pops in and out" during a race.

It seems to happen most often when there's a lot going on graphically (night lighting, rain, etc). What's happening is that, on Kunos' MX5s (and derivative cars.and seemingly nothing else), I'm occasionally getting this "shaded" rearview mirror when using CSP's Smart Mirror/Real Mirrors. Just wondered if anyone else had this issue and/or might have an idea what was going on.
Over the years with AC and CSP I've found I can usually come up with solutions to mod-related issues like this through either logical thinking, trial and error, or luck (or following this forum), but I'll be darned if I can figure this one out.

I have a question I'd hoped someone might be able to answer. It feels like Christmas on a regular basis around here. First off, I'm a longtime lurker on this channel who just wants to say THANK YOU for all the amazing work you guys do on AC mods.